STEEL FRAME Features & benefits Overview


There are many benefits of our all steel building system compared to traditional construction methods.  When you build with steel you'll be at peace with your family's safety while making a contribution to protect the environment.


Superior Strength

Steel has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any building material. It’s flexible, straight, non-porous, durable, lightweight, andmaintains dimensional stability.

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Speed of Assembly

Bolted and screwed prefab steel buildings go up faster than traditional methods and allow for building in the most unforgiving, smallest, and remote locations.

Energy Efficient

Our frames and steel insulated panels meet or exceed governmental energy-efficiency standards. The tongue and groove design creates a continuous, insulated cocoon, preventing the air leaks that result in costly energy loss.

Solar Ready

A simple clip system allows you to easily attach solar photovoltaic (PV) modules that are electrically connected to our Standing Seam Roof Panels.

Fire Resistant

Wildfires are a growing challenge as new construction sites become less available. Steel doesn't burn and SteelGenix doesn't use any combustible materials with our buildings.

Clean Indoor Air

Breathe easier. SteelGenix buildings eliminate the lumber and asphalt materials used in standard construction methods that create off gassing of glues and create poor indoor air quality.

Flexible Design

SteelGenix’s integrated design approach offers more design flexibility with clear span capability and fewer structural limitations than traditional building systems.            

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No Termites or Mold

Steel does not harbor mold, bacteria and termites. You can avoid regular chemical treatments, insecticides which cause disease among humans, and thousands of dollars in extermination fees.

Reduced Waste

We use 76% recycled steel and the overall recycling rate in the steel industry is 75% making it the most recycled material in North America. There is typically only 2% waste using steel versus 20% with wood buildings.